• Lee Reichbaum, Ph.D.

    Retired Emeritus Partner


    Lee Reichbaum, Ph.D. received his undergraduate, Masters, Post-Masters, and Doctoral degrees from the University of Pittsburgh.


    Dr. Reichbaum worked for ten years at Turtle Creek Valley Mental Health as both a clinician and administrator. He became a clinician at Health America in their department of Behavioral Health, and soon after became the Co-Director of the department. In 1991, he joined Allegheny Mental Health Associates, where he provides clinical care and is the CEO. In addition, he is an Assistant Professor at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine training Residents in the Department of Internal Medicine and medical students. Dr. Reichbaum has held similar positions at The Western Pennsylvania Hospital. He currently serves on Highmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s Behavioral Health Quality Improvement Committee.


    Dr. Reichbaum is a Licensed Psychologist, a member of the American Psychological Association, and is certified as by the American Marriage and Family Therapy Association. He was a member of the Western Pennsylvania Clinical Hypnosis Society, and subsequently a founder of the Milton Erickson Institute of Southwestern Pennsylvania. He became a member of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback after training with one of the pioneer developers of clinical biofeedback. He holds consulting staff privileges at UPMC-Shadyside Hospital.


    Dr. Reichbaum is currently continuing to teach at the University of Pittsurgh Medical School and maintains a strong interest in healthcare ethics and palliative care. He is serving on a number of community boards and doing volunteer work in Pittsburgh.


    Dr. Reichbaum may be found at Steelers and Pirates games, or pushing the mower to keep his backyard playable. When given the opportunity, he might be encountered on horseback riding trails, as if he were still the cowboy of his youth. At of the end of 2017, Dr. Reichbaum, although retired, continues to teach others, and occasionally makes guest appearances with his colleagues and acts as an Emeritus advisor to AMHA .